Why you need to update your Cleanse, Tone, Moisturise skincare Routine

Should I Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise?

Amy x

This week we’re taking a look at perhaps the most famous routine in the skincare industry…The 3-step ‘cleanse, tone and moisturise’ system.

I’m asked about it on a daily basis as it’s often where we’re taught to start when we begin caring for our skin and has been passed down from generation to generation. In fact, it was my Gran who took me to buy my first set one Christmas and I nearly burst with excitement when I was finally able to open it on Christmas morning.

But despite the fact that teenage Amy could barely contain herself and that this routine totally revolutionised the world of skincare, it still surprises people that it’s not the system I’d recommend today…

Why you need to update your Cleanse, Tone, Moisturise skincare Routine

Cleansing, toning and moisturising first became famous in 1968 and at the time, it was genuinely ground-breaking. Up until that point, there had been very little regulation when it came to skincare products and many people suffered skin irritation and reactions because of it.

The 3 steps were the first to be clinically tested and the routine consisted of a simple bar of soap for washing, a toning liquid to rebalance the skin afterwards and a hydrating cream to lock in moisture. It was the first time skincare actually made a difference and resonated with millions of people around the world…So why would I advise against it?

Well, over the past 55 years product development has advanced hugely and we’re now aware that this routine did nothing but clean and hydrate your complexion. Although it prevented irritation, it was missing two vital steps that are essential for changing the outward appearance of your skin… Correction and protection.
Why you need to update your Cleanse, Tone, Moisturise skincare Routine
The correction comes in the form of serums which are formulated with a much thinner consistency than face creams. This allows them to work on the deeper layers of your skin so they can treat concerns such a loss of firmness, wrinkles and dark circles directly at the source.
The other non-negotiable is protection and out of the two, is arguably the most important for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it protects against the most common form of cancer, skin cancer. And secondly, it helps to prevent up to 90% of premature ageing which is caused by the sun. This means that no skincare ritual would ever be complete without the use of SPF every morning.
So, when it comes to adding these new steps into your routine, it looks a little like this – Cleanser, Eye Serum, Face Serum, Moisturiser and SPF. It’s the exact 5-minute routine that I’ve prescribed throughout my career and use in our 5 Minute Kit.
Why you need to update your Cleanse, Tone, Moisturise skincare Routine
‘But what’s happened to the toner?!’ I hear you cry. Well, toner was initially there to rebalance the pH of your skin after cleansing with soap, as it’s extremely alkaline. Without it, faces were left feeling tight and dry! But nowadays, quality face washes like our Dream Clean Cleanser are perfectly pH balanced for you, so there’s no longer any need for this step.
With all this in mind, I’m not saying that the ‘cleanse, tone and moisturise’ system was entirely wrong, but just as the humble telephone in the living room has become the smart device you’re probably reading this blog on, skincare has developed over time too.
The science and research have allowed us to go from simply hydrating our skin, to being able to completely transform it. Now, you can achieve your best skin ever in just 5-minutes of ‘me-time’ each morning and night 🥰

Amy x

Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!