The big challenge I faced this week
Today, I’m diverting from my usual blog schedule. Each Sunday I sit down to share all my best skincare advice, but this week has been so thought-provoking for me, that tonight I felt I should touch on that instead.
I very rarely discuss being a woman in business online, and in my private life too for that matter! I think it’s because I see myself as a skin expert first, who just so happens to have fallen into self-employment.
This means very often I find myself in situations that are wayyyy out of my comfort zone. So much so that my bookcases would give the local library’s ‘self-help’ section a run for its money 😂
I think many people assume that everything I do for BASE comes naturally to me, however that certainly isn’t the case. I dedicate so much of my time to building self-confidence, productivity, and a positive mental attitude, and it’s these practices that allow me to push myself.
This week’s challenge came in the form of an Instagram LIVE. One of my lovely Instagram friends kindly invited me to collaborate with her so I could talk her through the Proactive Age Kit Evening Routine, step by step…Despite the fact I know this process inside out and back to front because I developed it, I can’t tell you how apprehensive I was.

Thankfully, I managed to ignore the niggling nervousness in the back of my mind and jumped feet first into a situation I’d usually run a mile from…and it was amazing! The response to our collaboration blew me away, but what surprised me even more was the reaction to the stories I posted afterwards.
As soon as the LIVE ended, I could feel the adrenaline pumping round my body, so I spontaneously opened my camera and explained how I’d had to coach myself into the situation. I briefly touched on how it’s so easy to keep ourselves small. To hide away from our dreams, goals and ambitions because the thought of chasing them is quite frankly terrifying. And it resonated with so many of you.
The thing is, stepping out of your comfort zone, regardless of the outcome, is an opportunity for growth. Even if you make mistakes, or things don’t go 100% according to plan, when you consider everything a lesson in self-development, you truly can’t fail.
I learnt this from Sara Blakely, the incredible woman who started the shapewear company SPANX. Each evening at the dinner table, rather than asking what she’d succeeded at during the day, her Dad would ask what she failed at.
This wasn’t a derogatory conversation, in fact, it was quite the opposite. It continuously reinforced the fact that Sara didn’t need to be afraid to try. She attempted to join the cheerleading squad and realised she had no coordination whatsoever. It was a total flop.…All it did was make for a great story and gave her the fearlessness to keep trying until she discovered her true passions.

So, what I’m trying to say is that if you have a dream, a goal or an ambition, no matter how big or small, don’t be afraid to go for it! We tell ourselves everyone else has it all figured out, but they certainly do not. Most people are jumping off the cliff and building a parachute on the way down.
Whether you’re dreaming of changing your career, running a marathon, or simply putting yourself out there on Instagram, remember that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. And just the fact that I’m sat here writing this blog tonight, is proof that when you do, anything is possible!
If you missed it and would like to watch the Instagram LIVE, you can see it here 🥰
Amy x

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!