Why my skin looks better now then 10 years ago!
This week, I have a big birthday coming up... Now it’s one of those milestones that makes you a little apprehensive and therefore naturally reflective.
So, I decided to sit and write myself a letter documenting all my thoughts and memories over the last 10 years. For fun, I also included a side-by-side comparison of my face at 20 compared to 30, which turned out to be completely fascinating and inspired me to write this blog!

The thing about ageing is we seem to accept (or hope) that we’ll become wiser, more experienced and evolve positively on a psychological level. Yet when it comes to our physical being, we assume it’s all downhill and a losing battle. However, having analysed both pictures, I can say for certain that my skin looks 100% better now, then it did a decade ago.
This is proof that it’s truly possible to look your very best at every stage of life, and to blossom as beautifully externally, as we do internally. So, here are the changes I’ve made over the past 10 years that has allowed by skin to improve, rather than decline like we’re led to believe.

You are what you eat...
Skin ageing is caused by two things, ‘intrinsic factors’ and ‘extrinsic factors’. This means we age through a combination of natural processes within our body, and also through outside influences.
The rate of intrinsic ageing is genetic and totally out of our hands. However extrinsic ageing is caused by our external lifestyle choices and ages our skin the most. Sun damage, smoking and you guessed it, DIET hugely impact how our skin deteriorates.
At 20, my diet was pretty poor. My relationship with food had been particularly strained as a teenager and the lack of nutrient dense food was written all over my face. I’d opt for anything that was quick and convenient which usually meant things were ladened with sugar and not much else. This led to skin inflammation in the form of breakouts and blemishes and even at that young age…exaggerated and deepened my expression lines.
Over the past 5 or 6 years I have put significant focus on my overall health. I take daily supplements, exceed my 5-a-day, cut caffeine, had my intolerances tested and not only did it totally clear my skin, it minimised my fine lines too - especially around my eyes!

You have to break the cycle...
Although my skin looked a million times clearer at 20 than it did at 18, having struggled with acne as a teen, I continued to wear camouflage makeup every day. Back then I thought it hid my insecurities as best as possible, but looking at the photos now, it did nothing but exaggerate them. And it was also a total, vicious cycle.
The foundation was so thick and cakey that it took almost 4 cleanses to remove it properly and I’d be lying if I said I stuck to that routine every night!! This meant my skin couldn’t repair or regenerate as I slept, which over time led to premature ageing and yet more spots.
Gradually applying less and less foundation worked wonders for all aspects of my skin though, and now most days, my makeup routine consists of a quick coat of mascara and some lip-gloss…My complexion has never been happier or healthier.
Keep. It. Simple!
I am not exaggerating when I say I’d tried every brand in Boots by the time I was 20. In fact, my ‘secret talent’ in clinic was being able to pinpoint exactly what products my clients were using, just by the description of the bottle 😂
This overconsumption of skincare wreaked havoc with my skin though and overstimulated it to the max. I’d give a routine no longer than a week to see results and constantly searched for the strongest formulations possible, under the illusion that stronger meant better…Oh how wrong I was! My skin barrier fell to pieces which accelerated wrinkle formation, caused breakouts and left me wondering what on earth to do.
Fortunately, after qualifying, and through my years in clinic, I eventually created the winning formula and have stuck to the same routine ever since. I know for a fact that I’ll still be using the Proactive Age Kit in decades to come, as the active ingredients continue to deliver incredible results whether I’m 23 or 83. Although I may no longer know every product in Boots, at least I'll have clear, healthy and youthful skin at all times.
So, it would seem getting older and wiser definitely has its perks! I have a feeling this new chapter is going to be the most incredible adventure and I couldn’t be more grateful to be walking it alongside you all 🥰
Amy x

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!