Botox & Filler in John Lewis?! Here's what a top UK skin expert thinks about it.

Botox & Filler in John Lewis?!


A couple of weeks ago on Instagram, I briefly mentioned that John Lewis is now offering Botox and filler treatments in store. I asked in a poll what you thought about their decision and a massive 76% of people felt it wasn’t for them, which was super interesting.

So, this evening, I thought I’d share my personal view on the situation.

When it first popped up on my feed, I must admit that my initial reaction was the same as the majority. A feeling of ‘Oh my goodness! As if injectable treatments are now readily available on the shop floor of a classic department store?!’.

After having a little time to think about it though, my opinion has slowly started to change. And there are a few reasons for this.

The first is that these days there is so much ‘backstreet Botox’, and as a skin expert, it’s quite frankly terrifying. There are no laws to stop you or I injecting these substances into people’s faces without the presence of a registered medical professional. We could simply enrol on a weekend course, learn where to pop the product and be practising by Monday morning.

Even the thought of it makes me uncomfortable!

Botox & Filler in John Lewis?! Here's what a top UK skin expert thinks about it.

Although these people are not doing anything illegal, ethically they are putting clients at risk. Yes, they may be able to administer the treatment perfectly, but they are not qualified to deal with possible side effects such as allergic reactions or the accidental blocking of vessels, which can have life changing consequences.

I believe this is the main reason why these treatments get such a bad rep and we see stories in the media about when ‘Botox and filler go wrong’. On the occasions where they don’t go according to plan, it’s usually because the injector wasn’t a registered medical professional, capable of resolving the situation.

The thing about putting an actual clinic in John Lewis, is that this certainly won’t be the case. We are all aware of their high standards and brand reputation, which means they will only allow the most highly qualified professionals to work on their premises. This is a huge plus in terms of industry standards and means that if you choose to have the treatments, you’ll be in safe hands. And for me, that is always the top priority.

The other reason I softened my opinion is because I realised that I have both worked in and managed clinics in the House of Fraser. Another classic department store, perched on high streets up and down the UK. And I can say from experience, the standards were phenomenally high.

Each clinic employed injectors and skin experts that had to meet the highest of standards and were sent for regular training to keep them at the top of their game. In all honesty, they were some of the best practitioners I have ever had the privilege of working with. The environment was safe, standards were regularly inspected and I have no doubt that John Lewis will be the same.

Botox & Filler in John Lewis?! Here's what a top UK skin expert thinks about it.

So, once I’d got over the initial surprise, l can understand the logic behind it all. Although I don’t personally have injectable treatments, the popularity of Botox and filler continues to rise.

As they’re cosmetic procedures that alter the structure of your face and correct concerns beneath the surface of your skin, having a regulated and accessible environment for people to receive treatment, is of paramount importance.

If you would like to understand more about what these treatments are, how they work and the misconceptions behind them, I’ve written a blog about this that you can read hereI would love to hear your opinions on this one, so please know my inbox is always open and I truly enjoy hearing your thoughts.
Amy x

Amy x

Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!