Is Face Massage As Good As Botox and which one will give you the best the result? Amy Frith a skin expert at BASE SKNCARE explains all.

Is face massage as good as Botox?


Just like your body, your face is made up of many different muscles - In fact, there’s 43 of them! We are all aware that if we want a toned and sculpted physique, then regular exercise is key. But we’re not taught that the same principle applies to your face.

If your facial muscles are not worked out, then overtime they become weak and begin to wither. At this point you start to notice signs of skin ageing such as sagging, a loss of firmness and wrinkles. This is where massage works its magic…Imagine it like taking your face to the gym.

The lifting movements are designed to tone and strengthen your muscles, so they can maintain a youthful position without gravity pulling them down. As an added bonus, these regular workouts also increase blood flow to your skin which helps to remove toxins and improve product absorption.

Is Face Massage As Good As Botox and which one will give you the best the result? Amy Frith a skin expert at BASE SKNCARE explains all.

I believe these benefits are sometimes overlooked because face massage is an ancient technique. It was founded in China over 3000 years ago and although it’s scientifically proven to work, since then, modern medicine has advanced greatly. So much so that we’re now all familiar with popular alternatives such as Botox.

Botox is famous for instantly smoothing your skin by temporarily freezing your muscles. A professional injects the product directly into them which stops your face forming expressions such as frown and laughter lines. This is what gives the appearance of an even, youthful complexion.

As with all things, there are pros and cons to both approaches which means, one is not better than the other.

The great thing about face massage is that it naturally tones your face, is free of charge and can be practised everywhere and anywhere. The drawback is it requires daily commitment and patience to see the results of your efforts.

Is Face Massage As Good As Botox and which one will give you the best the result? Amy Frith a skin expert at BASE SKNCARE explains all.

Botox on the other hand is amazing for delivering a quick fix as it works instantly to smooth the appearance of your skin. However, it’s only a temporary solution that lasts 3-6 months and when used repeatedly, can weaken your muscles meaning you need more and more of it.

Put simply, these are just two different approaches that aim to target the same concerns, using contrasting techniques. The choice is simply down to your personal preference.

If you’re keen to try face massage at home, I’ll link my favourite 30-second sequence here for you. I do this every evening with my Proactive Age Kit and it’s my little self-care treat at the end of the day 🥰

On the flip side, if Botox is something you want to explore, please make sure to seek the advice of a registered medical professional such as a doctor, dentist or nurse. This way, you can rest assured that you’re in the safest hands.

Amy x

Amy x

Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!