Strawberry Legs - What are they and how to quickly fix them!

Have you got strawberry legs?

Amy x

The other day during my ‘Ask Amy’ segment on Instagram I was quizzed about something that I’ve never been asked before. And suddenly, it seemed like everyone asked at once!

Now that spring has finally sprung and we’re able to peel the tights off our pins, people wanted to know how to get rid of ‘strawberry legs’.

Funnily enough this has been a trending topic on social media too, so today I’m going to share exactly what they are and how to get rid of them effortlessly...
If you’ve ever noticed tiny black dots left all over your legs after shaving, chances are you’ve got strawberry legs too. Technically we call them open comedones and they happen when oil, dirt and bacteria get trapped in your pores causing them to stretch and become darker. These little dots very much resemble the seeds of a strawberry, hence where their cute nickname comes from.

Strawberry Legs - What are they and how to quickly fix them!

Whilst they’re not harmful, painful or contagious in any way, I understand we’re all after smooth, even legs for the spring/summer. And thankfully you can get rid of them in a few simple steps.

Up your shaving game!

Razor burn is one of the main causes of strawberry legs. Using a blunt tool without any shaving gel irritates your skin and leaves that familiar dotty rash behind.

So, make sure you’re changing the blades regularly and always use them with a matching shaving cream too. Together they’ll keep your skin baby-soft and I personally have mine on a subscription, so a new set arrives each month without me needing to think about it. I also buy the ones aimed at men too as for some reason, they’re always more cost-effective!

Strawberry Legs - What are they and how to quickly fix them!

Start exfoliating your legs

Just as our face needs exfoliating to prevent blackheads, our legs require the same treatment to prevent those pesky dots as well.

Scrubs will likely stretch your pores further, so I’d advise using exfoliating acids instead. Now our Overnight Glow Drops would work absolute wonders here, but you’d probably only get 2 treatments out of it 🙈 So instead I’d advise an exfoliating body lotion like the Cerave SA Smoothing cream instead.

Pop it on a couple of times a week and it’ll melt away the dead skin cells, so they don’t clog up your pores. You won’t believe how silky smooth your legs will feel afterwards either.

Strawberry Legs - What are they and how to quickly fix them!

Moisturise. Moisturise. Moisturise.

Moisturising combats the dry, flaky skin that always accompanies strawberry legs. However, if you’re anything like me, this is the first step you skip when you’re in a hurry on a morning! So, I’ve had to come up with ways to make it so effortless, that my brain doesn’t have chance to talk me out of it...

Tip number one is to use a shower oil rather than a shower gel. I love the Sanex one as it washes your body whilst moisturising at the same time, so you don’t need to use a separate body lotion afterwards.

With that being said, taking the time to use a separate cream will always deliver the best results. So on the days I can be more flexible, I use a spray-on lotion instead. I apply it stood in the shower, so I don’t get it all over the bathroom and it genuinely takes less than 60 seconds.

 If you feel like you’ve exhausted all strawberry leg treatments already though, another option that makes a massive impact is laser hair removal. There is an initial investment, but if your hair is particularly dark or coarse it will 100% pay off.

The other thing to note is that if you’re experiencing any itching, pain or swelling, it may be a sign of infection. So please always get it checked by your GP.

I hope this glorious weather hangs around long enough for you to parade your perfect pins around town and as always, thank you for sending me all your skincare questions. They inspire me and these blogs more than you know!


Amy x

Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!