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We're Talking All Things Skincare...

My haircare secrets for clear and glowing skin
The two may seem totally unrelated, but when I started paying attention to how I cared for my locks, my bumpy skin texture and blackheads completely vanished.
Which skincare old wives' tales are true?
I'm sorting the fact from the fiction of the 3 biggest old wives' tales I hear all the time in the clinic room...
The biggest skincare trends in 2024
From topical Botox to smart bodycare, here's what everyone's going to be talking about over the next 12 months...
Answering your biggest skin queries of 2023
From enlarged pores to LED face masks, I'm answering your biggest questions of 2023 for a glowing complexion...
31 Essential lessons for beautiful skin
As I celebrate a decade since turning 21, here's 31 invaluable skincare insights that have shaped my journey...
Have you got strawberry legs?
If you’ve ever noticed tiny black dots all over your legs after shaving, chances are you’ve got strawberry legs. Here's how to treat them...