My Autumn Skincare Secrets
Autumn seems to have arrived rather abruptly this year and whilst I’m all for the crunchy leaves and crisp mornings, the change in season can sometimes bring with it changes to our skin too.
So, grab yourself a drink because here's my top Autumn skincare secrets to keep you glowing from head to toe, all season long...
Time to swap your lip balm for a nipple balm
At this time of year, one of my most asked questions is what to do about your lips…And you may be surprised to know, sometimes lip balm isn’t the answer!
As our lips don’t produce oil like our skin does, during this season they need some extra TLC from super moisturising ingredients. Although lip balms are brilliant to a certain extent, there is a balm out there that takes hydration levels to a whole, new level…Nipple balm.
Now I know it sounds slightly ridiculous, but nipple balm is usually packed full of an ingredient called Lanolin. Lanolin is a waxy substance that contains the most incredible skin conditioning properties, which is why it’s used to help breastfeeding mums.
When used on your lips, it delivers an extra layer of protection against the outside elements and even actress Margot Robbie swears by this secret!
If you don’t fancy whipping your nipple balm out when you’re on the go, you can always decant it into a little pot, and no one will ever know 😉

What to do when you don’t have time for body lotion
I don’t know about you, but I never skip a day when it comes to my skincare routine. However, the same cannot be said for my body care and this is the time of year it catches up with me!! I very often skip body lotion simply because I don’t have time to apply it and let it all absorb, before rushing to get dressed…A poor excuse on my part, however I’m sure many of you can relate!
So, a few years ago I went on the hunt for a time saving solution. I wanted to nourish and condition my body in the easiest way possible and what I found has genuinely been a game-changer…Oil based body WASH.
Yep, all you need to do is swap out your foaming shower gel for a nourishing, oil based one and your skin will be soft and supple without adding any extra steps to your routine.
This skincare secret is perfect all year round, but totally comes into its own during these colder months.

How to keep the seasonal blemishes at bay!
One of my favourite things about Autumn is all the layering. I love coats, gilets, scarves and hats but some of these fashion statements can cause absolute skin chaos!
I’m talking about hats and scarves in particular here. These items are designed to keep the heat in and when pressed against our skin for hours on end can be a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to clogged pores and blemishes.
So, to keep your skin clear and healthy all season long, make sure you wash these items as regularly as you’d wash your clothes. Been out for a brisk afternoon walk? Chuck your accessories in the wash as you would your jumper. It’s such a simple secret but it will genuinely keep the seasonal breakouts at bay!

The other thing I wanted to note is that this time of year is where we begin seeing articles on how to adapt your skincare routine for the new season. Some talk about adding in extra exfoliation, swapping for a richer moisturiser and even how to adapt your cleansing routine?! Fortunately, if you’re using the Proactive Age Kit, all of this is unnecessary.
The Kit is designed to balance all skin types, all year round so that you never have to faff about changing your routines for the new season 🥰
Amy x

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!