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We're Talking All Things Skincare...

My skin-prep guide for perfect makeup
Get a flawless finish this summer with my perfected skin-prep guide...
The 3 areas that give away your age
Here’s how to prevent and correct skin ageing in these sneaky locations, so you’ll always look just as young as you feel...
How to choose the best collagen supplement
The 3 things you must look out for, when shopping for the best collagen supplement...
Common mistakes that ruin your skin - Part 2
3 everyday skincare mistakes that you need to avoid to keep your skin looking healthy and youthful...
Face Massage vs Face Exercises...
They have the power to redefine your skin and sculpt your face but how do they work and which one is best suited for you?
Spring beauty swaps you need to make 2024

The warmer weather is only round the corner and this trusty toolkit is sure to keep your skin clear, glowing and youthful for the sunnier months ahead...

My haircare secrets for clear and glowing skin
The two may seem totally unrelated, but when I started paying attention to how I cared for my locks, my bumpy skin texture and blackheads completely vanished.
3 Daily habits giving you wrinkles
We barely notice these tiny habits in our day to day lives, but over time their impact compounds and the effects become more permanent. Here's how to avoid them...
4 Skincare facts you didn't know about me
Here are a few skincare lessons I’ve learnt so far that can make a difference for you too…
Are we changing our formulas?
The skincare world is about to change and for many brands, they will need to reformulate their products. But does this include BASE?
3 lessons my Mum taught me about beauty
It would be fair to say that we’re wildly different, yet perfectly in tune and in her glorious uniqueness, she’s taught me more about beauty than she knows...
Most common skincare mistakes I see...
These tiny mishaps can cause major issues but thankfully, they are super easy to rectify. How many of them are you familiar with?